
Άτυπη Εκπαίδευση

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Άτυπη Εκπαίδευση - Educational Visits

Aiming at learning in a fruitful and creative way, every month a visit is organized to places where educational programs operate and ensure experiential learning and active participation in knowledge. The topics approached concern history, folklore, art, theatre, ecology, natural sciences, and other interesting fields.

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Άτυπη Εκπαίδευση - Cultural Meetings

Cultural meetings are one of the most interesting programs of our School. It is addressed to all our kindergarten and primary school students and aims at the development of community life, the cultivation of interpersonal relationships, knowledge, joy, creation.The choices of the subjects are from the interests and needs of our students such as arts, culture, ecology, environment, our life, our world, books, love for our fellow man, rights, obligations, etc.The topics are developed by the children themselves, by the teachers of the School, by writers, artists, doctors, psychologists. By... περισσότερα

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Άτυπη Εκπαίδευση - Acts of Love

HATZIVEI SCHOOL has a strong social activity. It tries in many and varied ways to cultivate the feelings of its students, who show great sensitivity to human suffering and especially to children and fellow human beings who are in need and waiting for our love. As long as there are "people" and humanity, there will be hope and everyone will be able to dream. We are members and we send our love to humanitarian organizations: 

  • People of Love ActionAid UNICEF
  • Médecins Sans Frontières
  • Medecins du Monde
  • Heart doctors
  • Clean Greece

... περισσότερα

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Άτυπη Εκπαίδευση - Competitions

Participation in competitions promotes and strengthens the feeling of fair play, while giving children the opportunity to experience beneficial experiences in subjects such as mathematics, visual arts, natural sciences, literature, etc. For this reason, we encourage our students to take part and benefit from such experiences as a whole.

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Άτυπη Εκπαίδευση - Weekend's Educational Programs

The life of the school is enriched by participating in educational programs of museums, family visits to theaters, musical events, music and art workshops, inside and outside the School.

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Άτυπη Εκπαίδευση - Environmental Action

It is the duty of all of us, parents and teachers, to give our children ecological education since children carry an innate love for nature and the environment. The main objective of the school is for students to be informed and sensitized about environmental issues, actively participating in actions that contribute to the protection of the environment. Our school participates in the European Environmental Education Program "Ecological Schools", operates recycling of paper, aluminum, and batteries, participates in actions such as beach cleaning and reforestation.


Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Άτυπη Εκπαίδευση - Library-Philanagnosia

Our School promotes in its program the love of reading (philanagnosia) and the loan of books. In the classrooms, there are lending libraries, while there is also the central library that functions as a free space for the use of literary and children's encyclopedic books, but also for reading activities. Also with the assistance of the "book tree" in the courtyard of our School, children are encouraged to borrow, love, appreciate and enjoy a good book. Also every 2 years we organize a Philanagnosia Festival for children and adults. The love for the book will accompany them in their adult... περισσότερα

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Άτυπη Εκπαίδευση - Health Education

Our School aims at the full cultivation of its students, their mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical development. With the term "health education" we refer to all the preventive movements, knowledge, choices that each child can apply to take care of his health. Health promotion does not expect a physical challenge to appear in order to intervene and heal it, but on the contrary, it takes care of the best possible care and practice of the body in advance, in order to prevent any challenges that lurk. Thus, health promotion works in a long-term way, refers to a diverse range of... περισσότερα