
Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Early Coding and Robotics

Συγκεκριμένα στο μάθημα αυτός στόχος είναι τα παιδιά να έρθουν σε επαφή με διάφορα εργαλεία. Το βασικό εκπαιδευτικό πακέτο που θα χρησιμοποιηθεί είναι το «Kids First Coding and Robotics», με τη βοήθεια του οποίου οι μικροί μαθητές εξοικειώνονται με μερικές από τις πιο βασικές δομές του προγραμματισμού και της μαθηματικής σκέψης, όπως για παράδειγμα τηνSpecifically, in this course, the aim is for children to come into contact with various tools. The main educational package to be used is "Kids First Coding and Robotics", with the help of which young students become familiar with some... περισσότερα

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Role Games

Role Games return with a Trip to Ancient Athens. Choose your role, define the story! Role-playing games were introduced as a lesson in our school last year for the first time. Then our students traveled to the Land of Mythology in order to find the Golden Fleece. Along the way, they met mythical creatures, completed missions, sought the help of important persons, and finally, after a long journey, returned victoriously! This year the journey will be repeated, but this time our destination will be the Land of History and specifically the Golden Century and Classical Athens. There are... περισσότερα

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Mountain cycling

The training takes place on natural routes in the grove next to our School. In the learning section, children learn their balance and flexibility skills while working out their bodies. In the racing section, the children learn the techniques of mountain cycling and at the same time increase their endurance and exercise important muscle groups. The cycling course is available for all classes of the Primary School.

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Swimming lesson

Two days a week the children are taken to the swimming pool of the Olympic stadium. The coaches of the club "Flow" teach children the correct techniques of swimming, flotation and breathing, through exercises-games. Children ideally exercise their bodies, having the pleasure of contact with the liquid element. Children who wish are entitled to an additional 3rd day of training outside school hours free of charge. The swimming lesson is available for all classes of the Primary School.

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Biathlon (Cycling-Running)

Biathlon is a sport that includes running and cycling. It is divided into the following races: 1. sprint distances, 2. medium distances, 3. long distances, 4. relay races. Our students will train on a mountain run and bike, where our aim is to learn to combine the two sports. The benefits are multiple as children alternate the two sports (running - cycling), activate more muscle groups, and learn to work together (relay race).

Teaching: Vasilis Gianniotis    

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Musical instrument

In a special course lasting 20 minutes, the learning of a musical instrument is combined with the cultivation of musical education. The musical instrument is available for all classes of the Primary School. From the 1st grade begins the learning of piano, guitar, and electric guitar while from the 4th grade the learning of clarinet and saxophone.

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Football Academy

With the instructions of a special coach, boys and girls play football, teach a variety of defense and attack techniques, while learning how to move properly. On weekends students compete in football tournaments designed for children. The football academy is available for all elementary school classes.

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Creative School

The Creative School gives children the opportunity to get to know and develop skills in very different creative fields. Students will have the opportunity to live the experience of Cooking, Gardening, and nature activities at the Forest School.

Teaching: Ioanna Tsibri, Maria Vatikioti, Thanos Athanasiadis 

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Photography Lesson

Students have the opportunity to discover with a separate interdisciplinary approach the magical world of photography. The aim is the aesthetic cultivation, education and entertainment of students through the learning of the art of photography. Main axes of the course:

  • photo editing,
  • basic photography rules,
  • cross-thematic approach with other fields (mathematics, history, computer science, social sciences, physics)

The photography course is available from the 4th to the 6th grade.

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Visual Explorations

This section was created for children with a particular inclination to visual expression and creation. With the guidance of our artists, we enrich our artistic knowledge and skills. Each child has the freedom to work individually or to enter one of the groups formed and engaged in different techniques, materials, issues. Students also participate in competitions, exhibitions, as well as in the creation of sets for the School's celebrations.  The workshop is available for all classes of the Primary School.

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Students' Orchestra

In the meetings of the orchestra, the children come into contact with percussion instruments (drums, maracas, castanets, woodblocks, zilia, tambourine, triangle, etc.) and melodic-crust instruments (metallophone, xylophone), cultivating the rhythmic and melodic element. The orchestra performs performances where the children present their work.  The course of the student orchestra is available from the 2nd to the 6th grade.

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Choir group

All children can participate in the Choir group. The separation between children who are "out of tune" and children who have a "nice voice" was and is a major obstacle to artistic development in our country. It should be stressed again here that ALL children - especially at this age who absorb everything new like sponges - are important to take care to cultivate the musicality they possess, through their participation in such musical groups. The songs taught to children have two objectives: the first is their fun, their entertainment and the second is to serve pedagogical purposes... περισσότερα

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Robotics

Students who love the creation of structures with LEGO building blocks are invited to collaborate within a group in order to familiarize themselves with concepts of kinetic/mechanical and discover elements of automation. LEGO bricks are combined with motors and sensors, simulating models and constructions of our daily life and imagination. The commands we give to our constructions are supported by the programming environment of the Scratch software, which encourages experimentation and cultivates children's logical thinking. Creative mood and ingenuity are the materials that will lead us... περισσότερα

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Study

With the supervision of an experienced teacher, the students complete their written papers, prepare the main lessons of the next day and have the ability to cover weaknesses with proper guidance, in order to meet all the requirements of the School. The study is available for all elementary school classes. 

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Volleyball

In this team sport, children are taught the movements and technique of the sport, develop physical endurance and control of body movements, acquire a perception of space and a sense of teamwork. Older students also participate in the games of S.M.P.S (Sports Meetings of Private Schools), experiencing the rich experience of more official competitions. The selection course is available from the 2nd Elementary, as well as in the afternoon classes from the 3rd Elementary.

Teaching: Saya Jean-Pierre

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Suibukan Karate

The Karate department of our School follows the Suibukan martial arts system and belongs to the wider Suibukan organization, whose clubs spread to many parts of our country. In Greece, Suibukan is a separate school of exercise and study of the traditional arts of Okinawa. Our students through the art of Karate have the opportunity to cultivate at the same time many skills, such as speed, acceleration, strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination, and also to significantly develop the ability to concentrate. Suibukan is not a race carate and does not reproduce violence. Training is one of... περισσότερα

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Athletics

The afternoon track lesson takes place in a stadium with a suitable terrine. Children through various exercises expand and develop their motor skills and know the basic events of athletics. The aim of the course is the harmonious training of the whole body. Every Wednesday the track course takes place in the grove. Students who have chosen the course every Friday if they wish to participate in Wednesday's class are not financially burdened.

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Chess Racing

Chess is a favorite choice of many of our students. This game-sport-art is an important learning tool and at the same time an amazing means of forging the character of the child. Our little chess players with their frequent training cultivate their thinking, develop their technique. At the same time, their frequent participation in school and intercooler competitions enables them to develop virtues such as competitiveness, perseverance, concentration. And of course, as many mathematicians argue, chess contributes significantly to the development of mathematical thinking. In our school, the... περισσότερα

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Δημοτικό -Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων - Stem application - F1 in Schools

In this course, we will have the opportunity to get to know the world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), while our ultimate goal will be to prepare us for the Formula1 in Schools Competition, which takes place towards the end of the school year. Our students will have the opportunity to design their own F1 car model and will learn-apply physics concepts related to the optimal performance of their model. They will also create their logo and set up their digital page on social networks, learning a little from the world of Marketing, communicating their project to... περισσότερα

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Πρόγραμμα Απογευματινών Δραστηριοτήτων