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Excursion to the Adventure Park

On the occasion of the School Sports Day on Monday, October 2nd, the 5th-grade students went on an excursion to the Adventure Park. Located in the lush forest of Malakasa, the Adventure Park features high trees with paths, platforms, and various challenges. The park staff divided us into groups, helped us put on special equipment, harnesses, and pulleys, and explained how to use them. Then, we started our training. Some were afraid, while others were braver or had tried it before. Depending on age and readiness, there were routes with different levels of difficulty and heights. We learned that there doesn't always have to be a winner, but each of us should strive to overcome what seems difficult for us. We learned that patience is needed everywhere, even in fun, and that nature is the most beautiful place to be and play with friends. This excursion was unique and a novel adventure for the 5th-grade students. We had a great time, tried a new way of fun and sports for most of us, and enjoyed some fresh air.
Ioanna Anomeriti, Smaragda Pavlakou, Tina Karavoltsou(5th-grade students)