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To Σάββατο 22/2/25 οι μαθητές/τριες μας της Β’ Τάξης θα παρουσιάσουν το θεατρικό έργο "Τo μάθημα των Δράκων". Το έργο βασίζεται στην ιστορία "Δρακοχορευτές" που επεξεργάζονται οι μαθητές μας στα πλαίσια του ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος Places, που συμμετέχει το σχολείο μας.Την εκδήλωση μπορούν να παρακολουθήσουν οι γονείς των μαθητών που συμμετέχουν.

Β1 στις 3.30μ.μ., Β2 στις 5.30μ.μ., Β3  στις 7.30μ.μ. 


Τελευταία ημέρα λειτουργίας του Σχολείου θα είναι η Δευτέρα 23/12/24. Τη μέρα αυτή οι μαθητές μας θα έρθουν χωρίς βιβλία. Στην αυλή του σχολείου θα γιορτάσουμε με τραγούδια, δρώμενα, χορό και θα αποχαιρετιστούμε, δίνοντας εγκάρδιες χριστουγεννιάτικες ευχές!Οι ημέρες που μπορούμε να δεχτούμε μαθητές για φύλαξη είναι: η Παρασκευή 27/12, Δευτέρα 30/12, Παρασκευή 3/1, και Τρίτη 7/1.  Ώρες λειτουργίας φύλαξης 8.00-4.00μ.μ.

'Οποιος γονέας  επιθυμεί να παραμείνει το παιδί του στη φύλαξη, χρειάζεται απαραίτητα να επικοινωνήσει  με τη Γραμματεία του Σχολείου.

Το απόγευμα της Δευτέρας 16/12, οι μαθητές/τριες του Νηπιαγωγείου μας θα παρουσιάσουν τη θεατρική παράσταση «2024 χριστουγεννιάτικες ευχές για ψήσιμο», στο Δημοτικό Θέατρο Πεύκης (Βενιζέλου 17-19, Πεύκη). Την εκδήλωση μπορούν να την παρακολουθήσουν οι γονείς και οι συγγενείς των παιδιών. Προτείνουμε η αποχώρηση των μαθητών να πραγματοποιηθεί με τη λήξη του πρωινού προγράμματος στις 2:10, ώστε τα παιδιά να είναι ξεκούραστα στη γιορτή.


Σχολή Χατζήβεη - 1st Training Session for the Running Team - 9/10/2023
The first training session of the Chatziveis School's running team took place with great participation on Sunday, September 10, 2023, just before the start of the school year. Parents and children gathered to train at the Olympic Village Stadium in Acharnes. The team's coach, Vasilis...
Σχολή Χατζήβεη - 1st New Philadelphia-Chalkidona Rough Road Race - 15/12/2021
The Running Team of the Chatzivei School had an exciting sports day with its participation in the 1st Rough Road Race of New Philadelphia-Chalkidona that took place in our neighboring grove on Sunday, December 12th. With the participation of over 60 children, parents and teachers in the 1000m, 5km...
Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Theatrical Autumn - 15/11/2021
Finally after a long time we managed to start our theatrical excursions again! As our parents are used to, this year they responded to our call to watch two remarkable theatrical performances on Sunday mornings with the participation of teachers, parents and children! So in October we visited the...


Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Mom, Dad will you play with me? - 1/9/2021
Αν μέσα στο απόγευμά σας ακούσετε αυτή την ερώτηση από το παιδί σας, δείτε την σαν πολύτιμη ευκαιρία. Και παρά τη χωρίς τέλος λίστα σας από δουλειές, πείτε  Ναι!Παίζοντας με τα παιδιά μας τα οφέλη είναι πολλαπλά για το ίδιο και τη σχέση μας μαζί του. Το παιδί παίζοντας κάποιο (επιτραπέζιο ή...
Σχολή Χατζήβεη -  European Days of Cultural Heritage 2019 - 27/9/2019
On September 27-29, 2019, the Ministry of Culture and Sports celebrates the European Days of Cultural Heritage, having the opportunity for the public to have free entrance to archeological sites, museums and monuments. At the same time, a number of events are organized for young and old! Look for...
Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Leonardo Da Vinci Exhibition! - 4/3/2019
A very interesting exhibition dedicated to Leonardo Da Vinci can be visited by any family that has not already done so, until the end of March. Mechanical inventions based on his drawings, copies of his paintings, the secrets of the Mona Lisa in a unique exhibition, are some of the exhibits of this...


Σχολή Χατζήβεη -  A Day at the Museum of Contemporary Art - 5/2/2024
The 1st High School made an educational and at the same time entertaining visit to the National Museum of Contemporary Art.We were first welcomed to this state-of-the-art museum and taken to the first floor where they explained the contents as well as the history of the museum. We then went two...
Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Athens Science Festival!  - 19/10/2023
On Tuesday, October 10, 2023, the students of the 1st Gymnasium visited the Athens Science Festival (ASF), an annual event hosted at Technopolis in Gazi, as part of their introduction to scientific research and the need for its application in everyday life. From a young age, students are often...
Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Excursion to the Adventure Park  - 16/10/2023
On the occasion of the School Sports Day on Monday, October 2nd, the 5th-grade students went on an excursion to the Adventure Park. Located in the lush forest of Malakasa, the Adventure Park features high trees with paths, platforms, and various challenges. The park staff divided us into groups,...


Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Making Apple Cake - 19/10/2023
As part of the World Food Day celebration at the kindergarten, we prepared a healthy apple cake. Everything in its own time... just like that, after discussing the seasonality of fruits with our students, we introduced them to the nutritional value of apples. Then, we wrote, read the recipe on the...
Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Getting to Know You Games in Gym Class - 16/10/2023
The first days in 1st grade are used for icebreaker games and activities to familiarize the students with their peers and educators. In the Physical Education class, students played games that enhanced communication among them and with the teacher. Simultaneously, the sense of acceptance for each...
Σχολή Χατζήβεη - We Adopted a Toad!  - 16/10/2023
On the occasion of World Animal Day, the preschool class welcomed ANIMA (the Wildlife Protection and Care Association). The people from ANIMA provided information to the children about urban wildlife and the threats it faces through fun and experiential activities. After collective thinking and...


Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Impressive Running Team - 9/10/2023
A busy day for the running team of the Chatziveis School on Sunday, October 1, 2023. The running movement in Greece is continuously growing, with more and more races taking place! The school's team participated with parents, children, teachers, and alumni who enjoyed it.On Sunday morning,...
Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Distinction in the Children's Painting Competition - 9/10/2023
Our school participated once again in the painting competition organized by the Museum of Cycladic Art during the 2022-23 school year, with the theme "Man at the Center"! We were informed that the artwork of our student Konstantina Stavropoulou, who was in the 1st grade last year, was...
Σχολή Χατζήβεη - 100% Pass in A1 French/German Exams - 3/10/2022
We are very happy to announce that for another year, our students who took the A1 exams of the French Institute and the German Goethe Institut successfully passed the exams and obtained their first diploma in the second foreign language. The diplomas follow the European framework for foreign...