Ειδήσεις /

La chasse au trésor -Die Schatzsuche

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - La chasse au trésor  -Die Schatzsuche - 1/9/2021

The students of the French-German classes of our school had fun and rejoiced in nature together with their teachers playing treasure hunt! Enthusiasm, vigilance and competition to gather the most goodies and close the year with beautiful moments!

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - La chasse au trésor  -Die Schatzsuche - 20/5/2021
Σχολή Χατζήβεη - La chasse au trésor  -Die Schatzsuche - 20/5/2021
Σχολή Χατζήβεη - La chasse au trésor  -Die Schatzsuche - 20/5/2021