All children can participate in the Choir group. The separation between children who are "out of tune" and children who have a "nice voice" was and is a major obstacle to artistic development in our country. It should be stressed again here that ALL children - especially at this age who absorb everything new like sponges - are important to take care to cultivate the musicality they possess, through their participation in such musical groups. The songs taught to children have two objectives: the first is their fun, their entertainment and the second is to serve pedagogical purposes different in each song, with melodies cleverly structured and liked in children and adults. The aim is to realize the possibilities of their voice, to exploit them and through the songs to learn empirically the musical concepts. The Choir of the Hatzivei School frames the school's celebrations (along with the Orchestra) and participates in various Festivals of Children's Choirs.Teaching: Eutuhia Tsemeli, Music Educator
-Afternoon Activities Program