The most important part of the child's development takes place during the years he is at school. At the same time the child acquires motor and eating habits, which he will maintain, to a large extent, for the rest of his life. The school, as an integrated educational unit, has the obligation to take care not only of the spiritual, emotional, mental, social development and education of the child but also of its proper physical development and health in general. In the Health Education and Nutrition program, we have the opportunity to raise awareness and teach children about their personal health and safety, behavior that we hope to follow throughout their lives.Children in Kindergarten learn:
- To choose the appropriate clothes to wear
- Hygiene skills (to wash properly their hand, body, tooth, and hair)
- Body parts, their functions and how to maintain good health
- Choose qualitive TV programmes
Nutrition, exercise
- Healthy eating
- How important is exercise and rest
Accident protection
- Safety from fire, earthquake, flood
- How to be safe when they're out, when they're alone and when strangers approach them
- How to avoid accidents when they play, when they are at home, at school or on the road
- Where and how to seek help
-Experiential Approach