Book tasting "goes" to a Conference

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Book tasting "goes" to a Conference - 1/9/2021

Our teacher Meropi Chatzivei made a presentation at the 6th Panhellenic Conference "Education and Culture in the 21st Century". Her presentation entitled "Book Tasting" referred to the experiential philanthropic action she carries out with the students of the school and aims to encourage children to find books that inspire and express them. Because, as Daniel Penac says, the verb read does not take imperative and reading in order to flourish needs to be interesting, creative and take place in a climate of free access to reading.

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Η Βιβλιογευσιγνωσία "πάει" σε Συνέδριο  - 24/5/2021