E-Twinning-Letter Exchange

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - E-Twinning-Letter Exchange - 21/2/2022

As part of the e Twinning program - "You feel, I feel", the students of our Kindergarten will communicate via correspondence with 3 schools in Europe in order to exchange information about their daily school life. So on Friday, February 18, the children together with their teachers created 3 posters, writing messages of love and heartfelt wishes to send to their classmates in Cyprus, Portugal and Spain. Then they decorated them with drawings and photos from their daily activities and mailed them!

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - E-Twinning-Letter Exchange - 21/2/2022
Σχολή Χατζήβεη - E-Twinning-Letter Exchange - 21/2/2022