Hatzivei School is taking the next step in creating new building facilities in Neo Heraklion (Ifigenias 26) that will house our School's Middle School and High School! In September 2023, the operation of the 1st High School will begin and in the following years, all the High School and High School classes will be gradually created.
The new building complex is built within the urban fabric with modern but also natural materials, wanting to unite new design lines in the school spaces with the children's need for contact with nature. With spacious, bright, modern classrooms that will positively contribute to learning, we want our students to be in a space that will enhance their need for development!
We organize the High School educational program in such a way that it meets the demands of the modern family and the needs of our children, who are entering adolescence and need a safe environment that will support them emotionally and educationally. We want to cultivate responsibility and autonomy in our students, with teachers who will teach, guide, strengthen, support the students, so that they achieve high academic performance without the need for external tutoring help.
Along with high learning goals, we aim to cultivate in our students fundamental life skills, communication, cooperation, critical thinking, creativity, imagination, skills that will enrich their personality and make them stand out, so that they can realize their dreams and their goals.