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Σχολείο | Φιλοσοφία Διδακτικής


Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Σχολείο -Φιλοσοφία Διδακτικής - Experience

Experience means action. Experiential learning is the act, the authentic experience that teaches you in a thousand ways. Learning need not be monopolized in the school book, in the written coding, in the pages. Experiential learning is to get out of the borders of your class, your school, your country. To take advantage of all your senses, to listen, to observe, to imagine, to create, to live, to change, to test, to envision. In our school, the aim is for experiential actions to spread across the spectrum of the educational program, to distribute, color, authentically strengthen the learning experience. In our program, there are consistently planned experiential actions, such as selected-evaluated visits, ecological actions, participation in European projects, cultural meetings, collaborative inter-school projects, participation in competitions, collaborations with other schools, experiential English. At the same time, many experiential actions take place in the teaching of all the courses of the curriculum, born daily by the members of the school community themselves, by the thought, inspiration, and enthusiasm of students and teachers. If you visit our school one day, you'll experience... the experiential education. You may see a class walking in the forest and discovering, observing, listening to autumn, its sounds, and colors. A successful director invited us to our school to share what it means to find your passion, your purpose. A group of students from the visual art explorations observes the sky, before entering the art workshop to picture them with the "collaboration" of imagination. You may meet the members of the environmental team to stage and direct their participatory video for the European energy competition. A student arrives at school in the morning with plastic caps to achieve the inter-school recycling project. Or even students of experiential English to "meet" their friends from Spain and England via Skype and feel the value of a foreign language.