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Σχολείο | Φιλοσοφία Διδακτικής

16 Stars Illumine Our Way

Σχολή Χατζήβεη - Σχολείο -Φιλοσοφία Διδακτικής - 16 Stars Illumine Our Way


  1. We are a family. Our class, our school is the place where we all feel accepted and secure. We're part of a big family. We support, help and encourage each other through our words, acts, expressions.
  2. We say ‘’Good morning’’. When I walk into class, I say a positive "Good morning" to my teacher and classmates. I do the same with any person I meet in the morning arriving at school.
  3. I greet the teachers by name. I'm aiming to know the names of the people in our school. Every time I meet a teacher or any person who works here, I greet him by name. They set the same goal.
  4. I respect my interlocutor. When a classmate of mine takes the floor in class, I turn to him and look at him. I listen to him carefully and wait for him to finish before I raise my hand. 
  5. Thank you. When someone in the class hands us something (leaflets, sweets, other materials), we always say thank you. The same goes for every time someone gives me an item at home or at school.
  6. I reward my classmate. I'm happy to say "bravo" every time a classmate hits a target or does a good deed.
  7. On visits I express something positive.  When we visit a place, I make sure before we leave to say at least one positive comment to the people who accepted us.
  8.  If we disagree. If I come into conflict with a classmate, I try in a calm tone to resolve the difference. If there is tension, I look for my teacher and share with him my thoughts and feelings, since he will direct me to the most correct choice.
  9. We move harmoniously and quietly. When we want to move from our class to another class or to the courtyard, we proceed in peace and always choose the right side of the stairs. 
  10. A good deed. I'm aiming to do an act that will give joy or help someone at school or at home.
  11. I choose the truth. When I do something that is not right, it is important that I tell the truth, apologize and try not to repeat this act. That's how I earn the respect and trust of those around me.
  12. I put my best. Everything I do, in class, in the game, in my friendship, I do my best to be as good as I can.
  13. I learn to win and lose. When I stand out at school or win a game, I'm happy with my success without pride. When I lose, I don't get angry or devalue my opponent. I avoid phrases that will hurt him and cancel his attempt. I can just say, "Well done, good game!"
  14. I'm learning to discuss. I never devalue a classmate, even if he says the wrong answer. In the classroom discussion I can use expressions such as the following: I agree with Pericles and I also believe... I want to add that... Or: Alexander made a good point, but I have a different idea/thought... Or: I really liked Danae's opinion and it helped me think...
  15. I look forward to the reward, but I do not demand it. I work in the best way for my own progress and not for a possible gift. If the reward finally comes, I accept it with a smile and appreciation.
  16. Seize the day. I'm happy with all my heart for every pleasant moment. I'm putting aside the niggling and the bad mood.